Saturday, 3 August 2013

Make a Youtube Video Playlist




When you make a group of videos and upload them to Youtube, it is always a good idea to create a Youtube video playlist. This will make it easy for people to view one video and then move onto the next as they will be grouped together. For example I have a Youtube channel called Computer basics and I upload videos about computer tips. There are just under 300 videos on my channel and making a Youtube video playlist is the best way to group this many videos into sections.

How to create a Youtube Video Playlist

1.  Sign into your Youtube account.
2.  Click on the drop-down Arrow beside your username.
3.  A menu will appear. Choose videos from the menu.
Youtube account
4. You will see all of your uploaded videos, click on the arrow on the new button. See the screen shot below.
Youtube video playlist
5. Now you can name your new playlist.

How to add a video to a Youtube video playlist

1.  When you are viewing your uploaded videos there will be an Add to button.Youtube video
2.  Make sure you have selected the video you want to add by ticking the box for it.
3.  Click on the arrow next to the Add button to see the drop down menu
4.  Choose Playlist.
5.  Now you can see the Youtube video playlists. Choose which one you want to add the video to.
Youtube video playlist
See more Youtube video tips.

Here is a video about creating a Youtube video playlist

Why create a Youtube video playlist?

Creating a Youtube video playlist definitely encourages more views on your videos. It will also help people find related videos from your Youtube channel instead of having to surf around Youtube and find it from other people.
A Youtube video playlist can also get you ranking in Youtube search results for different keywords. I have noticed that playlists show up before a single, lonely video will. That is just another great reason to create a Youtube Video Playlist.

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